Ullrchet replied

335 weeks ago

The Valley Of The Wolves: Iraq Full Movie In Hindi Free Download > DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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The film covers through fiction real-life events like the occupation of Iraq, the execution of Daniel Pearl, the Hood event and the Abu Ghraib torture scandal.
I was reading an article in the Washington Post about this film (Turkish film, America's '24' A Crossfire of pop Culture by Karl Vick) and was surprised to read about the over-the-top depiction of America's troops in Iraq. Torturing suspects, shooting innocents, and ignoring Turkish values are all certainly true of the U.S. force and seem ripe for depiction in the cinema. But organ-harvesting? A conspiracy with the Jews and Israelis regarding Sept. 11? OK, OK, we in the West can hardly criticize other nation's movie bad-guys, just watch "Rambo" or "Die another Day" to see how Hollywood feels about Communists. But I was shocked to see that one of the actors was Billy Zane! Shocked for two reasons: Firstly, how far has this guy fallen in order to have to travel to Turkey to appear in a $10 million budgeted flick? Secondly, does his conscience not bother him even a little over being in a movie that inflates the level of atrocities committed by American soldiers to a level of Naziesque genocide? The U.S. soldiers are not depicted as the 19 year old order-following, ignorant farm kids they are, but as incarnations of pure evil. Does a paycheck outweigh patriotism? Or as an actor does he feel free to take on any role, no matter how xenophobic, racist, religiously intolerant it is, safe in the belief that it is "only" fiction. The Post article quotes one Turkish movie-goer as saying, "These are things we knew were going on anyway." Thanks for perpetuating the ridiculous fantasies of a scared foreign populace Billy! Way to go! Chicago is proud of you! In so far as Hollywood can be trusted on showing the "truth" of the military conflicts in Iraq, may I recommend "Jarhead," "Three Kings," or the canceled TV series "Over There." While not perfect, they do a far better job than "Kurtlar Vadisi Irak" does.
If muslims is sincere about helping the world to regain respect and trust for their religion, they must organise themselves to fight against the Muslim extremists who are destroying their good name. They demonstrate and demand hamas to stop using violence. They must not be intimidated to voice out and tell hamas how much their violent approach is not only against Israel but it is also against them. They must create strong teams who can teach the nobel aspects of the religion to those vulnerable to the extremists. They should issue what they call "fatwa" against the Muslim extremists who are destroying their religion. To restore the trust and respect for the nobel religion, this is a better way than cheap propagandas against USA or legal actions against cartoonists.

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